Partner FAQ

Hello Partners, this page contains all your resources and commonly asked questions. If you are new, complete the Onboarding Steps below.

If you get stuck, feel free to email us at


▶️ Please click here to watch the Welcome Overview Video.

Welcome to the Partnership Program! Our goal is twofold:

  1. Benefits - Bless you with donations of cash & coffee.
  2. Fundraise - Equip you to raise an extra $5,000 or more per year in passive revenue, via easy coffee subscription referrals.

What are those benefits?

  1. Cash Grants. Worth $500+
  2. Event Coffee. Free coffee for your top 1-2 events of the year.
  3. Discounts. Enjoy wholesale pricing (~35% OFF) on bulk coffee, or 10% OFF small orders.

🚨 PHASE 1: ONBOARDING - First Week

▶️ Click here to see this as a video training

Est. Completion Time: ~45 minutes

Welcome to our Partnership Program for Pregnancy Care centers and Pro-Life organizations! If you are here, it should mean you have already applied and been approved into the program.

What are the next steps in your onboarding?

  1. Bookmark this page. You'll want to come back to it later.

  2. Best Contact Person. Who on your team is leading the charge? Let us know. Typically it's whoever handles email & communications, and who can consistently engage with us. Contact change requests can be emailed to

  3. Cash Grant. Enroll in a Partnership Grant Month using this form. This is an additional cash donation to your organization during the month of your choosing!

  4. Event Sponsorship. Enroll to receive free coffee and/or auction item at your biggest fundraiser event of the year using this form.

  5. Enter Payment Details.
    Log in here to your Partner Dashboard. Inside you can enter a Paypal address to receive funds.

  6. Start Referring Customers.
    Log in here to your Partner Dashboard to retrieve your URL & QR code.

    Share your unique Referral URL widely across your network to start earning donations from coffee sales!

If you get stuck, feel free to email us at


Est. Completion Time: ~Half Day

OBJECTIVE: Earn your first referral sale during Month 1!

For best results, we recommend you take the following steps:

  1. Send Announcement Email - Send a simple email blast to your list announcing our new partnership together! Here is a template you can use.

  2. Share with Family & Friends - Simply share your partnership link to friends and family encourage them to order and let them know 15% is donated back to your center!

  3. Social Media Announcement - Feel free to create a quick post and/or story announcing the new partnership. Don't forget to include your unique referral link (retrievable inside your Partner Dashboard.)Access pre-made graphics here and our photo library here for your post.
    Also be sure to tag us @sevenweekscoffee

    No need to overthink it! Did you know that casual posts that include your face are actually more effective than "perfect" polished posts? Nothing beats relatable, emotionally compelling storytelling.

  4. Website Backlink - This is an easy step with big impact! If you have a donor-facing website, please post your referral link somewhere on the site, preferably the homepage. This helps your community have a place to easily remember & retrieve it, and it also helps us with search ranking. If you need any ideas on what to write, here is a template.

  5. Email Signature - Another easy step that pays major dividends over time! Put a small line of text at the bottom of your default email signature, that includes your referral link. Try to get your whole organization to make the change. This has a major impact over the course of a year! Here is a template to get started.

  6. Print Flyers - We've created custom flyers for you containing your unique Referral Link & QR code! Print these and make available at all in-person scenarios available to you: in your office, at events, at local churches and supporters' offices, etc. To retrieve your flyers, navigate to the section of this Partner FAQ titled 'Get Graphics / Flyers'.

If you get stuck, feel free to email us at


[ More coming here soon ]

Congratulations, you've accomplished a lot already!

Your first sale might not feel like a big reward, but you are close to seeing bigger results. You've invested the work to build the foundation; let's complete the journey together!

If you get stuck, feel free to email us at

🎯 Custom Flyers w/ QR Code

Your custom flyers have a QR code containing your unique referral URL. They were sent to one of two places (depending on when you joined). Either:

A. Inside your Partner Dashboard (if you joined since Fall 2023)

B. Inside your Welcome Email (if you joined prior)

Make sure you're searching the email address associated with your partner account. If you have trouble, please email:

🌟 General Promotional Package

Here is a general promotional package containing different graphics & templates for you to use. Additionally here is our photo gallery.

Inside you will see:

  • Promotional images for social media and email use
  • An email template that you can use to promote the coffee
  • Wholesale info if you are interested in our donor gifts or a bulk coffee order

🔗 Referral URL & Affiliate Dashboard

Your unique affiliate referral URL is in your Partner Dashboard. Click this link to log in.

If you forget your login, click Forgot Password. You'll need to know the email address associated with the account.

There, you can also see your earnings, change your payment method, get a QR code, and more.

💱 Provide Payment Method: Paypal

PayPal is the preferred method so we can automate payments monthly to your center.

Please enter your Paypal details inside your Affiliate Dashboard settings.

If you do not have a PayPal account, please create one. If that is not possible, will make donations quarterly on your website.

📳 Who's Your Contact Person?

For best results, we recommend appointing a single person as your main contact for your account. This person will be your representative and help drive results!

If you need to change your contact person for any reason, please email

💰 Receive Additional Grant

We want to give each Partner a special cash grant at least once! This is separate from, and in addition to, your Referral earnings!

Simply enroll in a Partnership Grant Month (PGM) using this form.

☕ Free Coffee for Fundraiser Events

Is your Pregnancy Center or Pro-Life Org throwing an important fundraiser event? We'd love to donate the coffee used for brewing and auctions/raffles, up to once or twice per year!

Simply fill out this request form.

Please note we require at least 3 weeks notice before the event date.

🛍️ Buy in Bulk

If you'd like to purchase coffee for use, gifts, or resale, we offer Wholesale pricing to Partners! This is typically around 38% less than retail. (More if you subscribe, inquire if interested.)

Please note there are minimum orders, and that price varies based on the specific roast. (Blends cost less than Single Origin.)

5lb Wholesale pricing

12oz Wholesale pricing

4ozWholesale pricing

K-Cups Wholesale pricing

🏷 15% Off Code (Small orders)

While Wholesale (bulk) is the best pricing we offer your org, it does require minimum order volumes. For smaller orders, use this code to get 15% Off at checkout:


Combine with your Referral URL for the greatest savings.

(Please do not share this code outside of your organization’s employees/volunteers.)

Login: Partner Dashboard